# Oxford Latin Course, Part 1 - Chapter 13 # by Maurice Balme and James Morwood, ISBN 978-0-19-521550-2 # Version 1.0 # by Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) ēvigilō, -āre : I wake up excitō, -āre : I rouse, awaken invideō, -ēre : I envy teneō, -ēre : I hold colō, -ere : I worship, I till dēpōnō, -ere : I put down vivō, -ere : I live dīvīnus, -a, -um : divine nūllus, -a, -um : no pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum : beautiful aura, -ae, f. : breeze, air domina, -ae, f. : mistress fōrma, -ae, f. : shape, beauty maritus, -ī, m. : husband sonus, -ī, m. : sound arbor, arboris, f. : tree lūx, lūcis, f. : light vōx, vōcis, f. : voice numquam : never umquam : ever nēmō, nēminis, c. : no one quī, quae, quod : who, which quālem? : what sort of? dulcem : sweet nārrābō : I shall tell multis abhinc annis : many years ago longinquā : far off nātū minima : the youngest multō pulcherrima : far the most beautiful quasi : like, as if arcessit : sends for pectoribus hūmānis : human hearts sagittam : arrow cōge : compel! aliquem : some īnfōrmem : ugly arcum : his bow volat : flies mātrimōnium : marriage mīrandam : marvellous propius : nearer amōre flagrat : burns with love vehit : carries lēniter : gently in lectō : on a bed quae : which, that famulae : servants cēnāculum : dining room amplexū : in his embrace sōlis ortum : sunrise vestīgium : trace perdit : loses proximā nocte : the next night licet tibi : it is allowed for you, you may vultam : face si ... videris : if you see redibō : I shall return ōscula : kisses cōnsōlātiōnem : comfort interdiū : in the day time complexibus : in the embraces nocte quādam : one night lucernam : lamp lectum : bed complexibus ardentibus : in burning embraces exsilit : jumps out accendit : lights amōre flagrat : she burns with love dormientem : sleeping atque : and bāsiat : kisses stillam oleī ardentis : a drop of burning oil posteā : afterwards # end