# Oxford Latin Course, Part 2 - Chapter 22 # by Maurice Balme and James Morwood, ISBN 978-0-19-521551-9 # Version 1.0 # by Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) spērō, spērāre, spērāvī : I hope volō, volāre, volāvī : I fly faveō, favēre, fāvī : I favor, support pāreō, pārēre, pāruī : I obey frangō, frangere, frēgī : I break perdō, perdere, perdidī : I lose, destroy rapiō, rapere, rapuī : I snatch, seal quō : where to? turba, ae, -f. : crowd lūdī, -ōrum, mpl. : games signum, -ī, n. : sign, signal vesper, vesperis, m. : evening cāsus, cāsūs, m. : mishap, misfortune currus, currūs, m. : chariot cursus, cursūs, m. : running, a course contentus, -a, -um : content frāctus, -a, -um : broken maximum, -a, -um : greatest, very great plūrimus, -a, -um : very many nōbilis, nōbile : noble, famous tālis, tāle : such vetus, veteris : cold lūdī circēnsēs : the circus games vocantem : calling nīmīrum : of course nūgās : nonsense fēriae sunt : it’s a holiday praetor : the praetor cautus : cautious scelestī : criminals perīculōsum : dangerous pompa : procession tībīcinēs : flute players imāginēs : images postrēmō : lastly agitātōrēs : (chariot) drivers quadriiugōs : four-horsed duodecim : twelve carceribus : the starting cage soliō : from his chair incitābant : urged on verberābant : lashed mētam : the turning post circumiit : rounded interiōrem rotam : the inner wheel īnflīxit : crashed habēnīs involūtus : wrapped up, caught in the reins expedīvit : freed from septiēns : seven times Venetus : the Blue factiōnī : team sine dubiō : without doubt crumēnam : purse sinū : pocket nūllīus mōmentī : of no importance proxima : next (to us) pompa : the procession crūra contrahe : pull back your legs trūdis : you are pushing ignōsce : forgive! līnea arta : the seats (are) narrow verberā : lash! mē miserum! : unhappy me! spatiōsō orbe : in a wide circle ignāve : coward! subit : is catching up tende lōra : pull on the reins Russātus : the Red (team) bāsiāre : to kiss procāx : impertinent propius : too close illīsit : he has crashed fīnem : the finish arrīdet : smiles at palmam : prize, palm signum : the seal facta erant : had happened ex quō (tempore) : since cārissimīs : dearest salūtem plūrimam : warmest greetings valēmus : we are well ovēs : sheep tetondit : has sheared lānam : wool segetēs : crops mātūrae : ripe siccitās : drought rārō pluit : it has seldom rained vīnētum : vineyard flōret : is flourishing ūvās : grapes habēbimus : we shall have dēsīderāmus : we miss domicilium : a lodging nōndum : not yet morā : delay accidērunt : has happened ut valeās : that you keep well data (epistola) : given (to the postman) Kalendīs Quīntīlibus : on 1 July # end