# Oxford Latin Course, Part 2 - Appendix # by Maurice Balme and James Morwood, ISBN 978-0-19-521551-9 # Version 1.0 # by Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) lautissimus : very grand calvum : bald capillātōs : long-haired pilā : with a ball digitōs concrepuit : snapped his fingers lectīcam : a litter crūra : legs pictus est : was painted spīritum : my breath vēnālicium : slave sale ratiōnēs facere : to keep accounts dispēnsātor factus est : was appointed a steward tribūnal : a platform cornū abundantī : from her horn of plenty effundēbat : was pouring out trīnclīnium : dining room discubuerant : had taken our places (at table) praeter : except gustātiōnem : hors d’oeuvre, snacks asellum argentum : a silver donkey bisacciō : double panniers ad symphōniam : to (the sound of) a band tesserīs : with dice voluptātem : pleasure negāvī : I denied tabulam : a (playing) board amphorās : wine jars quārum in cervīcibus : on the necks of which pittacia : labels multō honestiōrēs : much more important people torālia : tapestries rētia : hunting nets vēnātōrēs : huntsmen canēs Lacōnicī : Spartan hounds repositōrium : a dish aper : a boar barbātus ingēns : a huge bearded man ventrem : the belly percussit : struck ferculum : course pōtiōnem : a drink dē cubiculō : from the bedroom rēctā : straight ācre frīgus : a sharp cold (spell) calfēcit : has warmed calida : hot vestiārius est : is (as good as) an overcoat dīlacerat : tears apart homō bellus : a nice man obiit : has met (i.e. has died) modo, modo : just lately medicī : the doctors immō : or rather plōrāvit : mourned molestus : tiresome, boring vīvōrum meminerīmus : let’s remember the living dēbēbātur : was owing ab asse : from a penny quadrantem : a farthing dē stercore : from the dung tamquam favus : like a honeycomb solida centum : a solid 100,000 merās nūgās : pure rubbish quam cārum sit frūmentum : how dear grain is buccam pānis : a mouthful of bread ēsurītiō : a famine futūrum : going to happen pilī facit : cares a straw (a jot) for opertīs oculīs : with their eyes closed computant : reckon up habitūrī : going to have mūnus : gladitorial show carnārium : butcher’s shambles prae litterīs fatuus : made with literature quattuor partēs : his four times table ignōscite : forgive! venter meus nōn respondet : my bowels have not performed prōfuit mihi : has done me good mālicorium : pomegranate (a laxative) aliquid recreātus : a bit better albōs porcōs : white pigs cocum : the book mūtābō : I will change (it) beneficiō : by the kindness praediō : an estate agrīs meīs : to my fields fīnēs : territory, property quam contrōversiam : what debate? contemnō : I despise bibliothēcās : libraries efflābat : was puffing out repositōrium : dish nē gallum quidem : not even a chicken exinterātus : gutted mehercule : by Hercules! oblītus sum : I forgot dēspoliā : strip! tortōrēs : torturers palam nōbis : in our presence secuit : cut ex plāgīs crēscentibus : from the growing slits tomācula : black puddings botulīs : sausages effūsa sunt : (were) poured out plausum : applause Gāiō fēlīciter : good luck to Gaius! argenteā corōnā : with a silver crown solēbas ... esse : you used to be suāvior in convīctū : better company at a party vīcō angustō : a narrow street baciballum : peach corporāliter : phyiscally sī quid : if ... anything negāvit : she denied, refused sēmissem : a halfpenny omnibus modīs : by all means forte : by chance expedīre : to deal with occāsiōnem : an opportunity hospitī : our guest fortis tamquam Orcus : as brave as hell circā gallicinia : around cockcrow inter monumenta : among the monuments stēlās : gravestones secundum : beside circummīnxit : piddled around ululāvit : he howled lapidea : made of stone strīnxī : I drew cecīdī : I struck at dōnec : until tamquam larva : like a ghost pecora : the flocks tamquam lanius : like a butcher nōn ... nōs dērīsit : he didn’t have the laugh on us lanceā : with a spear operīre : to close tamquam bōs : like an ox versipellis : a werewolf pānem gustāre : to taste bread pilī mihi : my hair inhorruērunt : stood on end mendācia : lies cōmissātor : reveller continē tē : restraining yourself umerīs : on the shoulders phialam : cup praeter tē : except you recumbit : reclines (at table) quater : four times sūdāriō : on a dish cloth tergēns : wiping exemplar testāmentī suī : a copy of his will quemadmodum : as secundum pedēs : beside the feet catellam : my puppy unguentum : scent bottle columbam : dove pius : pious fidēlis : loyal valē : goodbye cornicinēs : trumpeteres addūcī : to be brought extendit sē : he stretched himself out fingite : pretend mē mortuum esse : that I am dead aliquid bellī : something nice cōnsonuērunt : blared out vīcīniam : neighborhood vigilēs : watchmen, fire brigade secūribus : axes occāsiōnem : opportunity āmīsimus : we lost tamquam : as if # end