# Oxford Latin Course, Part 3 - Chapter 38 # by Maurice Balme and James Morwood, ISBN 978-0-19-521552-4 # Version 1.0 # by Paul Denisowski (paul@denisowski.org) cubō, cubāre, cubuī, cubitum : I lie down agnōscō, agnōscere, agnōvī, agnitum : I recognize prōdō, prōdere, prōdidī, prōditum : I betray abiciō, abicere, abiēcī, abiectum : I throw away complector, complectī, complexus sum : I embrace intuero, intuerī, intuitus sum : I gaze at futūra, -ōrum, npl. : the future vāllum, -ī, n. : rampart difficultās, difficultātis, f. : difficulty rūs, rūris, n. : the country rūre : in the country dīrus, -a, -um : terrible, dire rūsticus, -a, -um : rustic, of the country; a countryman memor, memoris : remembering, mindful of immemor, immemoris : forgetful of aliquandō : sometimes noctū : by night paulum : a little quam prīmum : as soon as possible # end